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What Should I Do If I’m Seeing Bugs In The Pantry Of My Plano Home?

Serving Families Throughout Dallas, Fort Worth & Houston
a pantry pest infestation

If you discover insect pests in your Plano home pantry, it doesn’t mean you are less than tidy. So, how do you get pantry pests? Bugs could already be hiding in your food products before you make a purchase. Insects can also come into your home from outside sources, including gardens, pet stores, and grocers.

It can be unnerving when bugs hang out in your kitchen pantry and feed on stored grains, dried fruits, and other provisions. Don’t wait to call for Plano pest control assistance from All-Safe Pest & Termite when your pantry is no longer safe from bugs. 

What Kind Of Bugs Invade Pantries And Cupboards?

Roaches aren’t the only culprits that intrude on your foodstuffs. The following insects are a frequent problem.

  • Cigarette beetle: This insect frequents Texas pantries, feeding on seeds, grains, tobacco, spices, flour, and dried flowers. They can fly.
  • Indian meal moth: This pest is similar to the Angoumois grain moth, except it has bi-colored wings. It feeds on cereals, dog food, dried fruit, powdered milk, and candy.
  • Rice weevil: This insect likes to feed on whole and processed grains and is black to reddish-brown.
  • Flour beetle: They have a reddish-brown color and feed on spices, nuts, dried fruit, beans, cereal, and dried milk.
  • Sawtoothed grain beetle: Unlike the cigarette beetle, it has distinct saw-like teeth on its head and a flat body to sneak into packaged food. It doesn’t fly, is brown, and likes to infest pasta, cereal, flour products, birdseed, and sunflower seeds.

Applying various home solutions like pest pantry sprays or traps might not be strong enough to stop an infestation. It doesn’t take long for pests to multiply rapidly, so take action fast and call in a professional pest control service in Plano like All-Safe Pest & Termite.

How Dangerous Is It To Have Bugs In My Pantry?

Thankfully, bugs invading your pantry are not generally dangerous. However, the situation may make your skin crawl or cause a temporary loss of appetite. Because of contamination, though, you'll want to toss any infested food instead of consuming it. In some cases, certain foods can be frozen for a few days or heated at a high temperature for a few hours to destroy eggs or insects. If you are worried about accidentally ingesting an odd bug or two, don’t panic. It is improbable it will pose a danger. Also, pantry pests are not venomous.

How Did Bugs Find Their Way Into My Cupboards?

So, how does a pantry pest get into food? Insects may enter your cupboards when you bring your groceries inside the home. You may want to wipe off groceries as you put them away to cut down on bugs. Putting down a pantry pest repellent may help deter bugs a bit.

Moths or beetles can leave eggs or pantry pest larvae in packaged food. You might also be using improper storage that’s easy to invade. Pests look for easy access and travel through cracks, crevices, and holes. They also look for warm, moist places to hide out.

What’s The Best Way To Get Rid Of Pantry Pests?

Accept that pantry pests are a common sight in Plano homes, so try your best to keep your kitchen clean and well-organized. Use glass, metal, or thick plastic containers with an airtight seal to make it difficult for bugs to taint your food. Routinely move your pantry goods around and have your space treated for pantry pests.

Call in the experts when you spy moths, weevils, or beetles dining on your cereal, spices, pasta, or pet food. If you have a trusted, family-owned company like All-Safe Pest & Termite on your side, we’ll administer a swift pantry pest control solution. Our technicians will address your concerns about what attracts pantry pests and treat your home as needed. Discover the difference and call All-Safe Pest & Termite today.

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