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A Step-By-Step Guide To Spider Prevention For Your Fort Worth Home

Serving Families Throughout Dallas, Fort Worth & Houston
a cellar spider crawling on a basement floor

How friendly are you to the spiders around your Fort Worth home? Have you begun to give them names, or do you have more of a stomp first ask questions later type of relationship? Most people do not enjoy having spiders inside their homes. If this is how you feel, let us help by sharing what we know. To prevent spiders from getting into your Fort Worth home, use this step-by-step guide.

Step 1: Understand Your Enemy

Not all spiders are the same. Some weave intricate webs up high, others build them down low, and some species of spiders don’t make webs at all but instead hunt from the ground. Understanding how to identify spiders and where you are most likely to find them is the first step to prevention. To help with this, here is what you need to know about the most common spiders in our area.

Cellar Spiders

Color: Pale yellow to light brown or grey

Size: ¼ - ⅜”

Threat: None

Wolf Spiders

Color: Dark to pale brown with pale yellow stripes and markings

Size: ¼ -1 ⅜”

Threat: Weak venom, can bite, but rarely does

Jumping Spiders

Color: Black, but occasionally brown, tan, or gray, and typically with pale markings

Size: ⅛ - ¾”

Threat: None

Brown Recluse

Color: Dark to light brown with a dark backward violin shape on its back

Size: ¼ - ½”

Threat: Powerful and dangerous venom, bite only when threatened or trapped

Black Widows

Color: Black with a red hourglass symbol on the underside of its abdomen

Size: 1 ½ - 1 ⅜”

Threat: Powerful and dangerous venom, bites only when threatened or trapped

Step 2: Reduce Attractants

Spiders are drawn to homes to hunt for insects. The fewer insects your home has, the less likely spiders will be to invade. Here is what our experts recommend you do to deter pests in general from coming into your home:

  • Turn off exterior lights at night or invest in insect-resistant light bulbs.
  • Keep your windows and doors closed as much as possible. 
  • Eliminate clutter in and around your home.
  • Keep your grass cut short and remove leaf piles and other organic litter from your property.
  • Clean your home regularly.
  • Store leftover foods inside sealable containers.
  • Repair leaky piping and fixtures around your home.
  • Make sure your gutters are working properly.

Step 3: Seal Off Points Of Entry

No home is perfectly sealed. Given enough time, gaps will form, cracks will appear, and other openings will be made. Pests use these entry points to gain access to your home. To prevent spiders and the pests they invade to hunt, try these simple exclusion tips:

  • Seal gaps and cracks in your home’s foundation with liquid cement.
  • Seal spacing along the edges of window and door frames using a caulking gun.
  • Repair or replace damaged window/door screens.
  • Make sure all doors have door sweeps.
  • Be sure the weather stripping around your home is in good condition.
  • Be sure doors and windows are fitted properly.

A Better Solution To Spider Control

If you do not have time to combat spiders on your own and are looking for an easier option, the professionals at All-Safe Pest & Termite are ready to help. Let us show you what quality ongoing pest protection could look like for your Fort Worth home and property.

Reach out to us today for any questions or to talk to one of our friendly service representatives about our pest control options.

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