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How Ant Infestations Start In Fort Worth Homes

Serving Families Throughout Dallas, Fort Worth & Houston
carpenter ant crawling on the ground near a house

Finding ants in Fort Worth, Texas around your home can be both frustrating and upsetting. Unfortunately, these infestations are rather common. While most ants in the area are considered nuisance pests, they are all able to contaminate food sources and are both invasive and difficult to remove. Additionally, there are a couple of species that can cause property damage or pose greater health risks.

In order to understand how ant infestations start and what you can do to prevent them, it’s a good idea to begin by learning what the common species in the area look like. So, we’ve provided a brief guide to identifying ants in Fort Worth.

  • Carpenter ants: This species is known for its ability to tunnel through wooden structures. They are a combination of black, red, and brown coloration and about ¼ to ½ an inch long. These ants can cause significant property damage.
  • Odorous house ants: This common species emits a gross smell when squished. They are dark brown and only about an ⅛ of an inch long.
  • Pharaoh ants: This small species is only about 1/16 of an inch long. They are yellow to light brown and are known for having large, invasive colonies.
  • Fire ants: These reddish-brown ants are ⅛ to ⅜ of an inch long and have strong mandibles. They are known for their aggressive nature and painful stings.

Why Are Ants Attracted To A Home?

Ants are attracted to a property for three simple reasons: food sources, access to water, and shelter from plants.

The biggest reason ants are likely getting inside your house is because they are looking for food. They will eat a wide range of pet and people's food, but they are particularly attracted to the smell of sweet food items including soda, syrups, candy, and honey. Ants also need water sources to survive, so they tend to thrive in humid areas with access to water.

Plants and flowers both inside and outside of your home can also be ant attractants. Some plants smell fragrant which is appealing to ants and others provide water sources and a damp area for the ants to nest.

How To Make Your Home Less Appealing To Ants

Now that you know the three main reasons ants are attracted to your property, you can take steps to remove or eliminate these factors. By addressing food sources, moisture issues, and excess foliage, you can reduce the risk of an ant infestation. Keep in mind that ants can be difficult to completely avoid because they're so small and able to slip through so many minuscule cracks and crevices.

However, you can follow these six steps to help keep ants out.

  1. Focus on proper food storage by keeping people and pet food in sealed containers. Also, make sure to clean up food and drink spills right away.
  2. Keep all trash cans covered with lids and take the trash out often.
  3. Reduce moisture around the property by fixing leaky pipes and faucets.
  4. Trim trees, shrubs, and bushes around your yard, especially any plants that are near the exterior of your home.
  5. Seal up any cracks or holes in the exterior walls and foundation.
  6. Get help from pest control experts.

The Best Method Of Ant Prevention And Removal

While you can do your best to make your home less appealing to these sneaky pests, ants are difficult to deal with and also quite prevalent. Once inside, ants are also a problem to remove because they can reproduce so quickly and spread throughout your entire house.

The most effective and easiest way to protect your home from ant species in the area is with help from the professionals at All-Safe Pest & Termite. Learn more about how our residential pest control plans can keep you and your family safe by giving us a call today. We even offer free estimates.

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