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10 Scorpion Prevention Tips For Highland Park Property Owners

Serving Families Throughout Dallas, Fort Worth & Houston
a bark scorpion on rocks

While there are many different pests that Highland Park property owners might encounter, one of the most feared of all is the scorpion. These pests are rather scary to look at because of their stingers, and being stung by one can be quite painful.

There are many different species of scorpion found throughout the world, but there is only a handful that you're likely to find on your Highland Park property. The most common species in the area by far is the striped bark scorpion.

While the sting of the striped bark scorpion is rarely fatal, it does pose health risks. Some people can have severe allergic reactions to these stings and the venom can lead to other health problems such as swelling and itching. But, in most cases, the worst thing about the striped bark scorpion is that the stings really hurt.

If you’ve never seen one of those scorpions before and aren’t sure how to identify them, this brief guide can help you know what to look for and how to tell them apart:

  • Striped bark scorpions are smaller scorpions that are usually less than 3 inches long.
  • They have a singular stinger at the end of their tails.
  • They have two pincers that look like claws.
  • They are a yellow color that has a cloudy appearance.
  • They have two dark stripes that run down their backs.

Why Do Striped Bark Scorpions Come Inside?

While you might associate scorpions with deserts and hot, dry environments, the striped bark scorpion actually prefers humid, cooler environments. So, when the weather becomes really hot and dry, they will seek shelter indoors and search for a more moisture-rich environment.

If your home or business has moisture problems, striped bark scorpions are more likely to be attracted to the building. They prefer properties that provide access to water as well as dark, damp places where they can hide during the heat of the day. They also look for places to live that provide food sources, so if you have other pest problems such as insects and spiders, these scorpions are more likely to find the property appealing.

Outdoors, and striped bark scorpions don’t burrow, but they are commonly found under rocks, fallen trees, mulch, and even behind bark as they are good climbers. In buildings, they are most commonly found in basements, crawl spaces, bathrooms, and laundry rooms.

10 Tips For Preventing Scorpions

Because striped bark scorpions are such an off-putting pest that can leave you with painful, and even dangerous, stings, knowing how to prevent them is vital, while prevention tips can’t completely keep scorpions away, here are ten things you can do to make your property less attractive to them.

  1. Seal up cracks in the foundation and walls of the building.
  2. Install door sweeps on exterior doors.
  3. Make sure that window and door screens don’t have holes or tears.
  4. Get rid of fallen trees, woodpiles, and other decaying organic matter from your property.
  5. Reduce moisture content by repairing leaky faucets and pipes.
  6. Make sure that gutters are clean and working correctly.
  7. Keep tree branches trimmed away from the exterior of the building.
  8. Ensure that basements and crawl spaces are well-ventilated.
  9. Regularly wipe down bathtubs and sinks to reduce moisture.
  10. Keep your home free of excess clutter.

Assistance With Scorpion Prevention

Because scorpion stings can be painful and, in some cases, dangerous, getting professional pest control help with scorpion prevention is important. The experts at All-Safe Pest & Termite can provide advice and assistance on preventing scorpions as well as removing them. If you have any questions about scorpions around your Highland Park property, or if you want to schedule pest control services, contact us today by calling (972) 945-9226.

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