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Dallas Property Owners' Complete Carpenter Ant Control Guide

Serving Families Throughout Dallas, Fort Worth & Houston
carpenter ants crawling on wood outside a home

Carpenter ants can often be distinguished from other species by their size as they are one of the largest home-invading species in the United States. Most species are under ¼ of an inch long, but carpenter ants will range between ¼ to ½ an inch long. Something interesting to note about carpenter ants is that they are polymorphic. Because of this, worker ants in the same colony can vary in size.

Other identifying features of carpenter ants include the large and powerful mandibles workers use to chew through wood and their black and red coloring, which can also be combined. They may also appear to have a waist, which is the node between their abdomen and thorax.

While carpenter ants might not be medically dangerous to people like fire ants are, they are still a threat to any property. This is why as a Dallas property owner, you should be aware of the problems they cause, how to prevent them, and what to do if there is an active infestation.

Problems Caused By Carpenter Ants

Carpenter ants are most known for the damage they do to wood. Unlike other wood-destroying pests like termites, carpenter ants don't eat wood but chew through it to create tunnels and nests. Workers use their strong mandibles to remove wood, and as they do, they will make piles of frass, which looks like sawdust.

Carpenter ants and termites are often confused with each other, especially termite swarmers and winged reproductive carpenter ants. However, the damage caused by termites is rough to the touch and messy, whereas carpenter ants create smooth and nest galleries. This is one way to tell which pest you are dealing with if you are unsure.

Although carpenter ants can bite, it's not common. But they can contaminate food as they scavenge. Contamination of food and surfaces can make people sick.

While a new infestation won't weaken the structure of your home right away, it can over time if an infestation is left to grow, which is why the pest should be treated immediately. You can keep this from happening by utilizing prevention. 

Carpenter Ant Prevention Tips

You should do several things around your property to make it less attractive to carpenter ants and discourage them from building their nests. These prevention tips include:

  • Keep trees and hedges trimmed, so they are not touching your home, as ants can use them as a highway to get into your home undetected.
  • Remove any rotting wood, stumps, logs, and other organic debris from your yard.
  • Address moisture issues around your property, such as leaks, clogged gutters, and rooms that have high humidity. You should also replace any water-damaged wood.
  • Store food properly in air-tight containers. It would help if you also kept your kitchen and other eating areas clear of food debris.
  • Remove trash from your home regularly and use bins that have tight-fitting lids. 

While these tips are beneficial, ongoing professional assistance is the best route to go for a pest-free home.

Carpenter Ant Control

Don't try to get rid of them on your own—instead, contact professionals at the first sign of a problem. If you are a Dallas property owner, you should contact the trusted experts at All-Safe Pest & Termite. Wood-destroying ants are no match for our trained and knowledgeable technicians.  Call us today at All-Safe Pest & Termite to remove an active infestation and prevent future ones from happening.

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