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5 Helpful Scorpion Prevention Tips For Frisco Property Owners

Serving Families Throughout Dallas, Fort Worth & Houston
a bark scorpion in a yard

As human beings, we generally equate size with danger. “Wow, that’s a very large bear. We probably shouldn’t go over in that direction”, or “That guy is smaller than me. I could take him”. That’s just the way we think, in general. However, in the world of pest control, it’s sometimes the smallest pests that can be the most dangerous. Even though four different species of scorpion could be on our Frisco properties at any given time, it’s the smallest one that we have to worry about the most.

Striped Bark Scorpions: Small Pest, Serious Danger

The striped bark scorpions of Frisco may not have an imposing figure (only measuring in at two and a half inches long), but they are still quite frightening if you encounter one on your property. Since they’re a member of the arachnid family they have four pairs of legs. They also have a set of claws protruding from the sides of their neck region. With ten appendages total, plus the nasty-looking stinger that curves sideways rather than upwards, these pests have a lot coming at you. This sidewinding stinger, along with two dark stripes on top of their light brown bodies, are the striped bark scorpion's most distinguishing features.

If you notice a small scorpion with these features on your property, you don’t want to mess with it. These pests use their venom to immobilize their prey before consuming it, and in a pinch, they will use it on people too. Typically, sting victims will experience a painful prick that burns for a few minutes after the attack along with a few days of swelling and discomfort. However, some people who are allergic to scorpion venom can go into anaphylactic shock when stung, resulting in death.

House Or Habitat?

Unfortunately, these dangerous pests are attracted to your house for the same reason you are: air conditioning. Scorpions are nocturnal, so they’ll spend most of the evenings hunting for their favorite food like centipedes, spiders, and other insects. However, during the day, the sun will get too hot for them, so they’ll find any relief possible. If they can find a way to get into your house and get out of the sun, it's an ideal escape.
If they can’t find a way into your house, they’ll set up camp under vegetation, logs, stones, and other such landscaping items. This can give them some shade or a place where they can cool off in damp soil that hasn’t been dried out by the sun. You should be especially careful moving these items around during the day, as startling a scorpion during its midday nap is a good way to get stung.

Prevention Strategies

Since having striped bark scorpions on your property is not only an unsettling feeling but also can be very dangerous, prevention needs to become a priority. These are very small pests with a talent for squeezing through tight spaces, so they’re very hard to keep out. However, if you can limit their attraction to the habitat you’re providing, then they might choose another property for their hunting grounds. By limiting the number of small insects that can get in, you’ll stop your house from being an ideal habitat for scorpions.

  • Declutter the yard: lots of loose items lying around the yard means plenty of cover for scorpions and other pests. Organized, open lawn spaces are very undesirable places for most pests.
  • Keep your home tidy and clean: by cleaning, vacuuming, and doing the dishes regularly, you’ll eliminate pests’ most reliable food source.
  • Store food and trash properly: use sealed containers that pests won’t be able to infiltrate when keeping trash in the house or storing leftover food.
  • Maintain good moisture control: pests typically want to inhabit damp, dark areas, and scorpions are no exception. You’ll want to use a dehumidifier to control moisture in the crawl spaces as well as monitor your pipes regularly for leaks.
  • Eliminate easy access: pests can always find a way in, but if you have proper weather-stripping around your doors, along with secure caulking around the windows, you can limit their favorite entry points and deter them from invading your home regularly.

In a perfect world, these tips would get the job done on their own, but we all know life isn't always perfect. For guaranteed protection, it takes professional know-how, especially when it comes to removing dangerous scorpions from your property. If you see a scorpion, don’t try to handle it yourself. Contact All-Safe Pest & Termite for expert advice or assistance.

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