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Everything You Need To Know About Carpenter Ant Eradication In Houston

Serving Families Throughout Dallas, Fort Worth & Houston
carpenter ant on wood

Carpenter ants are often confused with termites, but while the effects of their infestation are often just as devastating, the two species do not have much in common. Carpenter ants' claim to fame is a tendency to pick trees or anything made out of wood (the walls of our homes, for example) as a location for their nests. Unlike termites, carpenter ants do not feed on cellulose, but the damage they inflict on structural members of our homes is no less extensive.

Carpenter ants tunnel through joists and beams holding up the walls and roof of our homes to excavate the space for their colonies' new headquarters, weakening the structural integrity of the house and resulting in costly repairs.

Let's take a look at recognizing the signs of carpenter ants in your house, what attracts them to your property, and what carpenter ant treatment Houston pest control professionals recommend to keep your home clear of these little invaders.

What Do Carpenter Ants Look Like?

Carpenter ants are one of the most widespread ant species in the United States, common to every state but most prevalent in the North. As far as ants go, they are on the larger side, averaging between 1/2 to 5/8 inches long, with segmented, oval bodies sporting three pairs of legs and a pair of antennae. Most carpenter ants are black, but red or reddish-brown coloring is not uncommon.

Carpenter ants live in highly organized colonies, sometimes numbering up to 50,000 members, with a single queen, workers, and a number of larvae and pupae.

Can Carpenter Ants Destroy A House?

A single carpenter ant is not likely to inflict much damage to your house's structure, but a colony of tens of thousands tunneling through your walls can result in a very sizable repair bill. Unlike termites, which tunnel simply to extract nutrients, carpenter ants excavate intricate chambers, usually running across the grain of the wood, reducing its ability to support loads required for your home to stay upright.

Thankfully, unlike termites, carpenter ant infestation is easier to spot. Watch for:

  • Small bore holes in the wood, the results of ants tunneling
  • Seeing swarmers and their shed wings
  • Tiny piles of sawdust, the so-called carpenter ant frass in your home
  • Seeing worker ants as they search for food

Spotting the signs of carpenter ants in your home early is the first but likely the most important step in getting rid of carpenter ants.

What Causes Carpenter Ants In The House?

Carpenter ants develop an interest in our homes while looking to solve two simple problems that dominate their existence; the lack of reliable food resources and a comfortable place to build a colony. Unfortunately, our homes offer everything carpenter ants need between the lumber our houses are made from and the food in our pantries.

The trick to preventing an ant infestation is making your home as unappealing to them as possible. These simple carpenter ant prevention tips are a good start:

  • Fix plumbing leaks and drips
  • Don't store firewood next to the house
  • Cut out and replace rotten or damaged wood
  • Keep trees and brush trimmed away from your house
  • Seal cracks and crevices in the outside walls and foundation

Unfortunately, sometimes even the best prevention strategy fails to keep the little invaders out of your home. If you're seeing ants in your house-it's time to call a professional.

How Do You Get Rid Of Carpenter Ants?

When dealing with an ant infestation, our well-trained ant control technicians from All-Safe Pest & Termite will be able to fall back on their experience to identify the nest location and species that have infested your home and develop an effective ant treatment to rid your home of these invaders and keep them from coming back.

If your Houston home is infested with carpenter ants-give us a call today!

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