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Let's Address Your Concerns About Ticks In Fort Worth

Serving Families Throughout Dallas, Fort Worth & Houston
tick on girls neck

As parasitic arachnids, experts classify ticks among spiders and mites. Ticks are wingless pests with eight legs and an oval-shaped body. Ticks will detect the presence of a potential host using their palps, which afford them sensory abilities. As a host passes, ticks will attach to the body and use their chelicerae to pierce the skin and consume a blood meal. 

What does a tick bite look like on a person? People react differently to bites from ticks based on differences in their immune systems. The majority of people will notice a small itchy, reddish area of skin. In many instances, tick bites appear very similar to mosquito bites. Although ticks might pierce that skin in many areas of the body, they often attach to the areas behind the knees, the armpits, or the groin region. 

Are you struggling with how to get rid of fleas and ticks? These types of pests have a large reproductive capacity that makes them extremely resilient to do-it-yourself efforts; therefore, consulting with a licensed pest control professional is generally the best bet. A Fort Worth pest control professional knows how to get rid of ticks efficiently and understands what repels ticks.

The Variety Of Ticks You Can Find In Fort Worth

This region's most common types of ticks are deer ticks and lone star ticks. When ticks first emerge from their eggs, the immature ticks appear very tiny and only have six legs. These baby ticks or seed ticks usually target rodents.

Are you seeking answers regarding how to identify a deer tick? Deer ticks commonly feed from deer and usually appear orange or brown with unique dark-colored legs. Unfed deer ticks appear similar to a sesame seed; however, they often appear slightly larger after consuming a blood meal.

Lone star ticks have a dark red or brown appearance but appear greyish after becoming engorged with blood. The females have a single “white dot” on their backs, while males typically have multiple. Lone star ticks routinely feed on larger creatures, including dogs or humans. 

The Problems Ticks On Your Property Can Create

What diseases do lone star ticks carry? Ticks are known carriers of tularemia, southern tick-associated rash illness (S.T.A.R.I.), Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and several other significant health-related concerns. 

Are you wondering how to remove a tick with tweezers? Using a pair of tweezers with a fine tip, grasp the tick from a point very close to the skin. For removal, pull upward on the body of the tick. Clear away any remnants from the skin and clean the area with soap water, or alcohol. 

How To Naturally Make Your Property Less Appealing To Ticks

Are you wondering what will make your property less attractive for ticks in the Fort Worth region? Consider some of the following best practices: 

  • Ticks often enter properties with types of wildlife; therefore, limit the number of these passing creatures by installing a fence or similar physical barrier and keeping trash containing food scraps contained in durable, sealed garbage receptacles. 
  • Remove unnecessary debris from the yard area that may provide hiding places. 
  • Keep your grass trimmed and limit excessive overgrowth of types of vegetation. 

All pet owners should always have their cat or dog on a year-round flea and tick prevention plan as directed by a licensed veterinarian.

The Best Way To Keep Ticks Away From Your Property

Did you know that specialists with All-Safe Pest & Termite assist Fort Worth-area homeowners struggling with how to control ticks in yard areas?  In addition to ticks, our experts will assist those facing intrusions involving ants, rodents, cockroaches, and many other types of harmful pests. Contact our office today regarding a home pest control plan today.

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